JUJUTSU KAISEN 231, we witness an epic battle between Gojo and Soukuna. The chapter begins with an intriguing question: who has ever been seriously hit by Gojo and his power of infinity? We explore the sensations provoked by such a blow and Gojo’s special status among exorcists.
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JUJUTSU KAISEN 231 The power of Gojo
Gojo is undeniably the strongest of the exorcists, and beyond the reach of most of the characters. His infinite power allows him to inflict critical blows as if they were normal blows. Anyone who suffers such a blow ends up vomiting, a testament to its overwhelming power.
JUJUTSU KAISEN 231 The Makora wheel
We learn more about the Makora wheel, which is Soukuna’s process of adaptation to Gojo’s infinity. The wheel spins with each blow he receives, and after four turns he will be fully adapted to Gojo’s infinity. At present, he has three more rounds to go.
JUJUTSU KAISEN 231 The confrontation continues
The battle between Gojo and Soukuna is far from over. Soukuna is trying to adapt to Gojo’s infinity, while Gojo is trying to defeat him before the wheel’s three turns are completed. Gojo is determined to beat Soukuna to death before he can fully adapt.
This chapter of Jujutsu Kaisen offers us an intense battle between Gojo and Soukuna. We get a glimpse of Gojo’s overwhelming power and the mechanics of the Makora wheel. The confrontation reaches its climax as the stakes rise for our characters. It remains to be seen how Gojo will manage to defeat Soukuna before the three turns of the wheel come to an end. Unfortunately, fans will have to wait two weeks for the sequel, as there’s a break in Jump magazine next week. See you in chapter 232 to find out what happens next in this thrilling battle!