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One Piece Chapter 1136: The 3 Nikas and the Double End of the World
Is One Punch Man in Trouble? A Serious Look at the Situation

Is One Punch Man in Trouble? A Serious Look at the Situation

Is One Punch Man in Trouble? A Serious Look at the Situation Is One Punch Man in Trouble? A Serious Look at the Situation

Hey everyone! Big rant incoming today – we’re talking about One Punch Man, and things aren’t looking good. We got news about Anime Japan in March, and guess what? No One Punch Man on stage! After an already disappointing Jump Festa, this is the last straw! We’re gonna break it all down, and trust me, there’s cause for concern. Ready? Let’s go!

One Punch Man Skipping Anime Japan: WTF?!


Seriously, the most anticipated anime of 2025, with a trailer at over 10 million views, and it’s MIA? We have an exhibition booth, maybe a trailer, but honestly, it’s not great. The communication is practically non-existent, aside from a few character designs to keep us waiting. We had an announcement confirming the 2025 release, but for the rest… crickets.

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There are three news items left to drop, including probably the trailer. But WHEN? Either it comes out quietly at Anime Japan, or we’ll get a surprise announcement like “here’s your trailer, bye”. Personally, I’m starting to lose my patience. What about you? Let me know in the comments!

Murata and the Chapters: Radio Silence

One Punch Man bad news 2025

Another problem: the manga chapters! Murata isn’t sharing anything on Twitter anymore, no more “today’s quota”. So, no idea where we stand. The community is getting impatient, and so am I! This isn’t normal for a series like One Punch Man! Do you agree?

One Punch Man Getting the Short End of the Stick?

All manga One Punch Man 2025

Frankly, between the terrible communication and the lack of info, I feel like One Punch Man is being mistreated. Whether it’s the animation studio or the surrounding communication, it’s a disaster. Communication is key, and here, there’s none! The anime is still scheduled for October 2025, but without any official confirmation. We have a few visuals, some small news, but nothing concrete. It’s frustrating! Even for the video games, it’s not great! Did season 2 ruin the series’ reputation?

One Punch Man doesn’t deserve this. It survives thanks to its community, and we thank them for their support! We continue to keep the flame alive, especially in countries where the series is still not very well known. As long as there’s no official cancellation announcement, we won’t give up!

Conclusion: One Punch Man is going through a rough patch, to say the least. Between the absence at Anime Japan, Murata’s radio silence, and the lack of communication, we have the right to be worried. But let’s keep hope alive!

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One Piece Chapter 1136: The 3 Nikas and the Double End of the World

One Piece Chapter 1136: The 3 Nikas and the Double End of the World