One Punch Man Chapter 183, titled “Barter”, explores the consequences of Saitama’s recognition as a hero. The critique of heroism in One Punch Man society is a central theme throughout the chapter.
One Punch Man Chapter 183 It begins with Saitama returning home after saving the city once again. Although he has completed a deadly task for an ordinary human, all that is said is that his clothes are dirty and ruined. There is even mention of changing his shoes. This shows how accustomed the heroes are to Saitama’s exploits, taking them as a norm.
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Saitama’s apartment becomes a home for any hero who wishes to enter, even those who have tried to beat him up. Forte, an A-rank hero, wants to talk to Saitama and suggests that they go shopping together to buy new clothes. Saitama agrees, but this meeting shows how bad recognition can be for him.
Forte recognizes Saitama as an asset, rather than as a friend or colleague. He believes that A-rank heroes must stick together to become stronger, and that Saitama must be integrated into their group. But in reality, Forte is primarily interested in using Saitama’s strength to his advantage.
The danger of Saitama’s recognition is that it can attract bad people who want to use his strength for their own benefit. It can also lead to jealousy from other heroes who do not understand how Saitama can be so strong without any special training or technique.
In the end, Saitama’s recognition may seem positive, but it can also be dangerous. Chapter 183 of One Punch Man highlights the potential consequences of recognition, while continuing to explore the critique of heroism in One Punch Man society.