Release date KonoSuba Episode 5

Release date KonoSuba Episode 5

KonoSuba Episode 5 While waiting for the season 3 of “KonoSuba”, we enjoy a spin-off featuring Megumin. Entitled “An Explosion on This Wonderful World!”, it allows us to get to know this charismatic mage better.

Today, I’m here to tell you exactly when and where we will be able to see the next episode of this anime “KonoSuba” dedicated to Megumin. If you are eager to see the next episode, I recommend you not to miss the information below.

read:Date de sortie Jujutsu Kaisen Chapitre 222 et Spoilers

KonoSuba Episode 5
Release date KonoSuba Episode 5 1

When will KonoSuba Episode 5 be released

KonoSuba Episode 5 1
Release date KonoSuba Episode 5 2

Here is all the information about it:

Date: Wednesday, May 3. ?

Where to watch KonoSuba Episode 5 :Crunchyroll in US or UK or World ⭐️

So much for the information about the premiere of the next episode of the Megumin anime, a spin-off of “KonoSuba”. Do you like it and do you think it is up to the standard of the original series? I invite you to share your impressions in the comments.

Before I finish, I leave you with an article that tells you in which order to watch all the contents of “KonoSuba”. It might be useful if you want to take a closer look at other products offered by the franchise, or watch them again before the premiere of season 3 of the original series.