“KonoSuba” is an anime series that has been on the back burner for several years, at least as far as anime is concerned. This hiatus came to an end in the spring, when we were able to enjoy a spin-off featuring Megumin: “KonoSuba: An Explosion on This Wonderful World! This has just come to an end… but the franchise has left us with some good news.
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Indeed, an approximate date has already been set for the premiere of season 3 of “KonoSuba”, the existence of which was announced earlier. I’ll tell you more about it below, according to information gathered by A.I.R.
Season 3 of KonoSuba will be released in 2024.
Here’s all the information you need:
- “KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!” will present its third season in 2024. ????
- Okay, it’s a very vague date and offers very few details, but at least we know the series is ready to return. ❤️
- In case there was any doubt, this is season 3 of the main series. The Megumin spin-off will not continue, at least for now. ✅
- While the first two seasons were produced by Studio Deen, the third season will be produced by Drive Studio (which was responsible for the Megumin spin-off). ????
- The announcement arrived at the same time as the promotional image you can see above, in this same news item.