Release date Oshi no Ko Episode 2

Release date Oshi no Ko Episode 2

Read more Oshi no Ko Episode 2 Oshi no Ko” has already aired its first episode in Japan. The result? It became the most popular anime in history. Unfortunately, it seemed that it would not reach the West in a legal way… until yesterday, the surprise happened: we will be able to watch it totally free on AnimeBox.

Now that the first episode is out, it’s time to think about the next one, and that’s precisely what I’m here to talk about today. To be more precise, I’m going to tell you where and when exactly we’ll be able to watch the next episode of “Oshi no Ko”. Come on, let’s go!

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When will Oshi no Ko Episode 2 be released?

Oshi no Ko epsidoe 2
Release date Oshi no Ko Episode 2 1

Here is all the information about it:

Date: Wednesday, April 12. ?

Where: Via HIDIVE ⭐️

Oshi no Ko Episode 2 2
Release date Oshi no Ko Episode 2 2