Release date Lookism chapter 446

Release date Lookism chapter 446

Lookism chapter 446 popular South Korean Lookism will be released soon. To find out more about the release date, time, spoilers and where to read it, click here.

Lookism chapter 446 In the previous chapter, the doctor was about to start the operation, but fortunately Daniel arrived in time. He was in a hurry and there were a lot of operating rooms, so he thought he would find Zoe as soon as possible. He was surprised to find that Warren Chae was with the workers. If you’re also following Lookism and can’t wait for Chapter 446, we’ve got you covered.

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Lookism chapter 446

Lookism chapter 446
Release date Lookism chapter 446 1

Warren asks Daniel why he is in the hospital. Daniel asks him to step aside because the situation is urgent. He tells him that he will explain later because he has to go to surgery soon. Warren informs him that the president has ordered him not to get what Daniel wants.

Chae refuses his request and says that while she seems concerned about Daniel’s difficulties, she has to consider her own situation. She sets off the fire alarm, which disrupts the entire hospital. This forces the surgeons to stop working on Zoe. However, Chae promises that she will fight Daniel next time, but we all know that she won’t be able to beat him.

Release date for chapter 446 of Lookism

Fans will be happy to know that the release date of the popular South Korean Lookism chapter 446 is April 27, 2023.