KonoSuba episode 3 manga KonoSuba is an anime that, despite its great popularity, had been on hiatus for a few years. This break ended in 2022, when the franchise announced season 3 of the series and a spin-off. The spin-off is finally called “An Explosion on This Wonderful World!”, and features Megumin.
Today, I’m going to tell you about the continuity of the story of this charismatic magician. Specifically, I will tell you exactly when and where we can see the next episode of this new anime “KonoSuba” featuring Megumin. Let’s get down to business!
KonoSuba Episode 3
Here is all the information about it:
Date: Wednesday, April 19. ?
Where: available on Crunchyroll ⭐️
So much for the information about the premiere of the next episode of this spin-off of “KonoSuba”. Although we are only a few episodes in and it might be too early to ask the question… What do you think about this Megumin anime so far? I invite you to leave your opinion in the comments.